Guaranteed Way To Detox From Weed in 7 Days [zmv1zgQxD9M]
Guaranteed Way To Detox From Weed in 7 Days [zmv1zgQxD9M]
| 1h 28m 28s | Video has closed captioning.
We'll tell you what to do to remove marijuana(THC) metabolites from your system in 7 days. This plan will help you if you need to pass a drug test, want to detox, or need a tolerance break. Your goal during this week is to completely remove THC metabolites from your body. In order to do this, you must do the following: Burn as much body fat as possible Burning fat will release the THC metabolites from fat cells into the blood. In order to release the metabolites, you will need to reduce calorie intake, eat healthy foods, and exercise. Induce the CYP3A4 and CYP2C9 enzymes These enzymes are responsible for metabolizing THC in the liver. When these enzymes are induced their activity is improved. Their induction will speed up the metabolism and removal of THC. Break the enterohepatic circulation. This circulation is the reabsorption of THC metabolites from the intestines back into the blood. In order to halt this circulation, you will need to take absorbents like activated charcoal or wheat bran. Tools necessary for ridding your system of THC using this method: Healthy food of your choice. Exercise plan, i.e. walking for 40-60 minutes each day. Activated charcoal. Enzyme inducers such as Saint John’s Wort or Panax Ginseng or Ginkgo Biloba. Important note: We do not provide medical advice. The provided information is intended for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical consultation, diagnosis, or treatment. Enzyme inducers may interact with other drugs and herbal supplements. If you take medications, consult with your doctor or pharmacist to check for possible interactions. The method on how to detox THC in 7 days. Lose body fat through diet and exercise. A link on recommendations for burning fat faster can be found in the description. Consider intermittent fasting. This will help you to lose body fat much quicker. Take 300 mg of Saint John’s Wort extract 3 times daily with each meal. If you prefer, you could take one of the following two herbs as a substitute for the Saint John’s Wort extract: either 500 mg of Panax Ginseng twice daily or 240 mg of Ginkgo Biloba daily. Take 5g of activated charcoal 30 minutes before each meal. 7-day healthy meal plan: How to burn fat faster: If you want to detox THC for a tolerance break or need to quit smoking marijuana, dutifully follow these instructions for all seven days. If instead you wish to detox from THC in order to pass a drug test, you will need to change the procedure during the last two days. Since you need to pass the test, you must ensure that no THC metabolites still exist in the urine. If you continue to do the 7-day detox plan, THC metabolites will be excreted in the urine in order to be expelled from the body. If their concentration in the urine is above the detectable level, you will fail the test. In order to prevent their concentration being above the passable level, the last two days your goal is to stop the burning of fat and slow THC metabolism. Once this is accomplished, the metabolites will not be excreted into the urine, and you will be able to pass the drug test. Green Fleets Premium 7-day THC Detox Kit (permanent detox): 😍 Subscribe to our channel if you want more information about the ways to detox and pass a drug test: Green Fleets has helped to pass a drug test for more than 50000 marijuana users. And each year, we continue to help more people to find a solution to pass urine, hair, and saliva drug tests for marijuana. We know that passing a pre-employment drug test can be very important for you. And it's hard to find a trusted source of information. We get it! This is the reason we created Green Fleets. 😎 Visit our website for more in-depth information about ways to pass a drug test: #top cbd gummies for ed #cbd gummies pigeon forge
Aired: December 24, 2024
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