aliceCBD Undoo - Emergency Pill- Over consumption of THC - Call the STORE lower shipping 4177170614 [rvX-9rm9Iu8]
| 1h 28m 28s | Video has closed captioning.
***please only purchase from official website or affiliate/retailers listed on aliceCBD website*** WHAT IS UNDOO® Softgel? An EMERGENCY softgel capsule intended to ease the side effects of cannabis over-consumption. WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO TAKE UNDOO® Always take with PLENTY of water (at least 12oz). You must take the softgels with water for maximum results. You can take 1 or 2 softgels, depending upon your need (for swifter relief, take both softgels at once). For Edibles see comments below. WHAT SHOULD I EXPECT? You can expect that you will achieve a sense of clarity yet still feel the benefits of the THC. You will be left clear headed but calm, cool, and comfortable. WILL IT KILL MY BUZZ? UNDOO® is an emergency supplement intended to clear your head and ease the intensity of the buzz in a short period of time. It does not eliminate the feeling of well being often experienced with THC. WHEN I TAKE AN UNDOO® SOFTGEL, HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE FOR THE UNCOMFORTABLE FEELING TO GO AWAY? The amount of time will vary, depending upon the individual, the type and amount of Cannabis consumed and the ingestion method. UNDOO® softgel eases the intensity, and shortens the duration of the effects, bringing swift relief typically within 5-20 minutes. However, with strong edibles and concentrates it could take up to an hour for significant clarity. HOW DOES UNDOO® softgel WORK? UNDOO® softgel is a supplement that works with the body’s natural ability to metabolize THC promoting clarity. UNDOO® is PATENTED for this use specifically. WHAT IS IN UNDOO® softgel? The Patented ( U.S. Pat. No. 9,918,947) UNDOO® softgel contains a formulated mix of Vitamin E, Olive Oil, and Olivetol. Each packet contains two softgels. DOES IT WORK WITH EDIBLES? Yes, UNDOO® softgels have been designed to work with all types of Cannabis products. For Edibles: take 1 or 2 UNDOO® softgels with water. While 1 will usually help reverse many edible situations, you may want to take 2 if you are dealing with something extra strong or you are extra sensitive. If you take 1 and your edible “repeats” on you, then take the 2nd softgel. The 2nd UNDOO® softgel will help with the remaining fogginess. DOES IS WORK WITH DABS? Yes, UNDOO® softgels work very well with dabs helping ease the over-concentrated feeling. If you need fast clarity… if you suddenly have to deal with life…. UNDOO® will help you to feel clear headed rapidly. CAN I USE UNDOO® SOFTGELS FOR A “TOLERANCE RESET”? Yes, take 2 softgels at night before sleep with 8-12 oz of water for an overnight “tolerance reset”. HOW ABOUT MORNING AFTER FOG? Yes! UNDOO® is formulated to promote clarity, so if you are dealing with leftover consumption issues (still high or foggy when you wake up), take 1 UNDOO® softgel in the morning with water! DOES IT HAVE CBD IN IT? UNDOO® softgels have NO CBD or other Cannabinoids in them. Our formula is a scientific breakthrough that works the same way as our body’s natural chemistry to produce clarity. (Research shows that that CBD are useful for anti-anxiety and insomnia but they tend to put you to sleep) IS UNDOO® SOFTGEL A DETOX FORMULA? (Will it help me pass a drug test?) NO, UNDOO® softgels are intended to clear you head, not your urine! Where Can I get UNDOO® Softgels? See our local locator on our website for shops near you – or order online at It’s available in all 50 states! Yes! It works on pets too! At aliceCBD we provide our customers with highest quality third party lab tested full spectrum CBD products. We strive to be well educated in the endocannabinoid system and the positive impact that CBD has on the human body. At aliceCBD, our products bring an abundance of benefits to our customers and we are always willing to go that extra mile to ensure customer satisfaction. Convenient CBD store owned and operated by a veteran registered nurse. Medicated Meditation* *Invigorate - Meditate - Rejuvenate* Disposable Cartridges, Shatter, Wax, Badder, Nectar, Crumble, Sugar, Crystallite, CBD Bath Products, Infused, Tinctures, Elixirs, Chewables, Troches, Tablets, Capsules, RSO, Topical, Patches, Balms, Salves, Key Words: CBD Store, CBD Oil, Alternative Care, Holistic, Preventative Medicine, CBD Medicine, Missouri Medical Cannabis, Joplin, Kansas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Cannabis, aliceCBD, Find your CBD. Invigorate - Meditate - Rejuvenate, CBD infused products, Hybrid, Indica, Sensimilla, Local Nugs, Bud, Flower, Infused, Tablets, Capsules, Shatter, Wax, Nasal Spray, Pain Patches, Limonene, Pinene, Beta Caryophyllenne, Caryophyllene oxide, alph-Humulene, Trans-alpha-Bergamontene, Myrcene, Sugar, Crystals, Live resin, Cartridges, Pre rolls, Tincture, RSO, Distillate, Topicals, Endocannabinoid Receptor System, CBDA, THCA, CBGA, CBCA, THC, CBD, CBG, CBC, CBN, THCV, CBDV, Terpenes, Quality Service, Education, Glass, Vape, Dab, Hemp,THC Free, and BCP. #cbd gummies and driving #cbd gummies for ed work
Aired: December 24, 2024
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