I Tried The Keto Diet With A Device That Tracks Your Progress [rtZ8pmozLm2]
I Tried The Keto Diet With A Device That Tracks Your Progress [rtZ8pmozLm2]
| 1h 28m 28s | Video has closed captioning.
Ketogenic diets are exploding in popularity, particularly for those who want to get increased energy while losing weight. CNBC's Chrissy Farr tries it out, with the help of a new device called Keyto that tells the user if they are in ketosis. Ketogenic dieting has become a favorite pastime of Silicon Valley techies who want to hack their bodies to improve energy levels and performance. The regimen involves eating foods that are high in fat and some protein, while keeping carbohydrates to a minimum. The goal of ketogenic diets is to get body to a state calld "ketosis," which requires keeping carbohydrates to less than five percent of daily caloric intake. Once that happens, the body burns stored fats instead of recently eaten carbs, resulting in a buildup of acids called ketones within the body. Some critics say "keto" is just another fad diet, like Atkins or Whole30, but others rave about the benefits of being in ketosis, ranging from weight loss to increased energy. Ketones can actually be measured in the blood, the urine and the breath, which is how many people on the diet figure out if their carb restriction is having an impact. But measuring it through the blood or urine is a bit much for some. So Keyto, a new start-up in the space, aims to make it easier for people on ketogenic diets to track their body's transition into ketosis by simply blowing into a device. It was founded by Ethan Weiss, a cardiologist at UC San Francisco, and former Weight Watchers vice president Ray Wu. ยป Subscribe to CNBC: About CNBC: From 'Wall Street' to 'Main Street' to award winning original documentaries and Reality TV series, CNBC has you covered. Experience special sneak peeks of your favorite shows, exclusive video and more. Connect with CNBC News Online Get the latest news: Follow CNBC on LinkedIn: Follow CNBC News on Facebook: Follow CNBC News on Twitter: Follow CNBC News on Google+: Follow CNBC News on Instagram: #CNBC #Keto #KetoDiet I Tried The Keto Diet With A Device That Tracks Your Progress #where to get weight loss pills #saffron pills weight loss #synedrex diet pill #true form keto gummy
Aired: December 24, 2024
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