5 Ways to Activate Your EndoCannabinoid System | CBD Series Try my new Organic Hemp CBD! Learn More About CBD Check out my video: 5 CBD Myths DEBUNKED!

5 Ways to Activate Your Endocannabinoid System! | CBD Series [olbaCZvrcPz]

5 Ways to Activate Your Endocannabinoid System! | CBD Series [olbaCZvrcPz]

| 1h 28m 28s | Video has closed captioning.

5 Ways to Activate Your EndoCannabinoid System | CBD Series Try my new Organic Hemp CBD! Learn More About CBD Check out my video: 5 CBD Myths DEBUNKED! Endocannabinoid. It’s a mouthful of a word and possibly an unfamiliar one to many watching this, yet it is definitely a word which will be on all of our radars very soon. It’s not surprising that this word is relatively new to the wellness community, as the “endocannabinoid system” as it is more commonly referred to, is a scientific breakthrough that was only discovered in the 1990s and has had a profound impact on the way we regard properties of CBD or Cannabidiol, and understand cannabinoids. Describing the endocannabinoid system in a nutshell is as tricky as saying it, but in essence it is broken down as follows… Cannabinoid = either cannabis-derived compounds or things that act like them (note: there isn’t a consensus on this definition, yet) Endocannabinoid = endogenous cannabinoids (the cannabinoids that your body makes naturally) The endocannabinoid system = includes endocannabinoids, the enzymes that help make them and break them down, and the receptors that (endo)cannabinoids bind to In this video I will give you 5 simple tips to incorporate into your lifestyle to help you activate your Endocannabinoid System. The result of which should astound you and yield amazing health benefits, both physical and mental. The more that we continue to shed light on this fascinating information, the more we can help better ourselves mentally and physically and remove the stigma that is unfairly associated with it. Be sure to post any questions you may have and if this is not a new subject to you, please share your experiences. That is what this channel is all about: learning, sharing and working towards improved health and well being as a community. Thanks as always for tuning in and I hope this is as helpful for you on your personal health journey as it has been for me. Lots more to come so don’t forget to subscribe and hit notify. See you on the next one… -Naomi ____________________________________________ Be sure to hit subscribe to get notified about upcoming content. We will be uploading at least 3 videos every week on themes related to nutrition, beauty, exercise, wellness and self care, functional foods and nutrients, travel and learning about how different cultures eat and discovering the secrets of longevity. We’ll be uploading how to’s, tips and lists, recipes, live Q&A’s, travel videos, and lots of exciting (and educational content). We will be going off the beaten path in search of new and exciting ideas to help you enjoy a more vibrant and fulfilling life, and a better you. So join me in this adventure. Subscribe, leave feedback and comments, if you like the video hit the like button, your feedback is very important to me. For more info, and to learn more about what products I have on offer, and to learn more about what we do, read blogs, find new and exciting recipes and SO much more, be sure to visit my website at… Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Amazon: Bullet points from: Copyright photos used under fair use agreement for educational purposes only. I do not own these photos. #how do cbd gummies work #super healt cbd gummies #cbd gummies 08901

Aired: December 24, 2024

Rating: TV-14

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