New Zealand Multisporters Following a Ketogenic Diet — Caryn Zinn, Ph.D. (AHS14) [jAYu7CTiIwL]
New Zealand Multisporters Following a Ketogenic Diet — Caryn Zinn, Ph.D. (AHS14) [jAYu7CTiIwL]
| 1h 28m 28s | Video has closed captioning.
Performance, Body Composition and Well-being Outcomes in New Zealand Multisporters Following a Ketogenic Diet In a case study design, five multisporters underwent a 10-week ketogenic dietary intervention. Outcome variables related to sports performance, body composition and feelings of well-being, and were measured at baseline and at 10 weeks. All athletes reduced their body fat (range: 20-37.4mm using sum of 8 skinfolds), but experienced performance decrements. These expected findings will be discussed along with the unexpected findings of improved well-being. Despite performance decrements, athletes were keen to continue to simulate low carbohydrate high fat eating habits in the future as a result of the unexpected health benefits that they received from this dietary regime. Abstracts and information about the Ancestral Health Symposium can be found at #amazon kelly clarkson gummies #diet pills and metabolism #diet pills of the 70s
Aired: December 24, 2024
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