What are total testosterone vs free testosterone levels, can low testosterone cause ED? Does taking testosterone cure ED? #cantestosteronecureed #testosteroneed

Can Testosterone Cure Erectile Dysfunction? πŸ’ͺ [iE_xrUJir4U]

Can Testosterone Cure Erectile Dysfunction? πŸ’ͺ [iE_xrUJir4U]

| 1h 28m 28s | Video has closed captioning.

What are total testosterone vs free testosterone levels, can low testosterone cause ED? Does taking testosterone cure ED? #cantestosteronecureed #testosteroneed ======================================================================== Channel Sponsor LetsGetChecked: Why not get your Testosterone level tested at home from a sponsor that supports the creation of my content. Use code "BAILEY20" at checkout and Get 20% off: Send business/sponsorship inquiries to [email protected] ====================================================== WHAT ARE TOTAL VS FREE TESTOSTERONE LEVELS? 98% of the body’s testosterone is bound to either sex-hormone binding globulin (SHBG), or Albumin (a blood protein). The other 2% is known as β€œfree testosterone.” The free testosterone is what contributes to cell replication in the bones and muscles and creates facial hair and a deeper voice with puberty. Total testosterone is the grand total of all the hormone available in the bloodstream (bound and free). HOW TO INCREASE FREE TESTOSTERONE LEVELS? There are two ways to improve free testosterone levels. 1. Increase your total testosterone level with exercise or supplementation. 2. Reducing bound testosterone. Vitamin D and Boron are thought to lower this. IS YOUR TESTOSTERONE LEVEL TOO LOW? To establish if the testosterone level is low for you, a number of factors have to be taken into consideration - eg your current symptoms, your age, other chronic conditions medications you take. Low testosterone can be caused by: * Diseases of the Pituitary gland, * Opiate medications * Problems with the testes * Chronic medical conditions, especially obesity, sleep apnoea, diabetes, and liver or kidney disease. HOW DOES TESTOSTERONE AFFECT ERECTIONS? Erections depend on testosterone, but we don’t fully understand this relationship. Some men have healthy erections despite testosterone levels being well below the normal range. What we do know is that the same causes of low testosterone are linked to the same conditions that play a role in erectile dysfunction - such as diabetes, obesity and heart disease. Want to see more videos about health? Let me know in the comments below. Subscribe for new YouTube videos β–Ά Follow me on Odysee (go on you know you want to!) β–Ά Follow me on BrandNew Tube (yes, it has even more stuff!) β–Ά ABOUT ME: I want to make it easier for people to fix common health problems. I work as a medical doctor in New Zealand. Send business/sponsorship inquiries to [email protected] #male enhancer at walmart #penis enlarger prosthesis

Aired: December 24, 2024

Rating: TV-14

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