Carnivore Diet vs Ketogenic Diet Results [evGvSk0-Y59]
Carnivore Diet vs Ketogenic Diet Results [evGvSk0-Y59]
| 1h 28m 28s | Video has closed captioning.
After hearing Jordan Peterson discuss his Carnivore Diet results and Dom D'Agostino discuss his Ketogenic Diet results with Joe Rogan, I decided to try both diets and measure my results. I followed a carnivore diet and a keto diet for three weeks each, measuring my body composition, blood markers, strength, and productivity before starting and after completing each diet. Now I have got my results so that we can compare both. Follow me on social media to see more results: Instagram: Twitter: #joerogan #carnivorediet #ketodiet #shark tank keto acv episode #keto candies gummies reviews #tru bio keto gummy #weight loss detox pills
Aired: December 24, 2024
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