I Tried Medicinal CBD for a Month // CBD oil review [eqVnz3o4vyY]
I Tried Medicinal CBD for a Month // CBD oil review [eqVnz3o4vyY]
| 1h 28m 28s | Video has closed captioning.
Hi friends! This has been a really interesting month/experiment with CBD. I tried it for migraine relief and found so many benefits! Please give it a thumbs up, sub and turn on those notifications for more :) xx LINKS: Green Roads World CBD: * www.facebook.com/greenroadsworldhq www.instagram.com/greenroadsworldhq/ LEARN: let's connect ♡ -instagram: @applesandamandas -email: [email protected] -twitter: amandav1ctoria -facebook: www.facebook.com/applesandamandas -my Spotify playlist: -my PoshMark: some of my favorites: -audible: get a free audiobook + 30 day free trial www.audibletrial.com/applesandamandas -iHerb: get 5% off your first iHerb order (no minimum purchase): -ANI Brand barefoot vegan shoes: (if you use "AMANDA" $5 will be donated to Mercy for Animals) -Healthy Human water bottle: (APPAMA10 for 10% off) -Vegan Smart protein: -applesandamandas x Vegetaryn Tees: ("AMANDA" for 10% off ♡) Why Go Vegan? Watch these videos/documentaries: -101 Reasons to go Vegan: -The Best Speech You'll Ever Hear -Cowspiracy -What The Health -Forks Over Knives -Earthlings Vegan Resources: www.adaptt.org www.nutritionfacts.org www.pcrm.org www.veganessentials.com www.engine2diet.com www.veganbodybuilding.com FAQ What are you studying? Nutrition & Dietetics What is your ethnicity? Filipino What camera do you use? Canon G7x an * denotes sponsorship, but all opinions are my own. Music: #uno cbd gummies amazon #ben carsons cbd gummies #cbd gummy worms for sleep #cbd gummies jar #chill cbd gummy
Aired: December 24, 2024
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