NBC Commercials (July 7, 2007) WNBC-TV 60fps [d4NmJWqFPlO]
NBC Commercials (July 7, 2007) WNBC-TV 60fps [d4NmJWqFPlO]
| 1h 28m 28s | Video has closed captioning.
Purchased on Mercari. Contains Commercials local for New Jersey and New York. During: Ladies 3rd Round Wimbledon Commercials Shown: 1. Vonage 2. America's Got Talent Promo 3. The More You Know 4. PETA 5. NBC 4 New York Video 6. Mike'D Up Promo 7. Qubo on NBC Veggie Tales Promo 8. Saturn 9. Traveler's Insurance 10. Head & Shoulders 11. Aviva 12. Cialis 13. Sunday Night Football Promo 14. Chase 15. Rolex 16. Lincoln Financial Group 17. Age of Love Promo 18. Bionic Woman Promo 19. Cadillac 20. Infiniti 21. UBS 22. Prudential Financial 23. Coppertone Sport 24. HSN Promo 25. DIRECTV 26. US Women's Open Championship's Promo 27. NBC Special Report 28. Fedex 29. ING 30. BPH Info 31. NBC Sports Online 32. ADT 33. Verizon Wireless 34. Evening Movie Trailer 35. Concert for Diana Promo 36. Audi 37. Ford 38. PODS 39. Dr Scholl's 40. The Singing Bee Promo 41. Wimbledon Live Media Zone 42. Acura 43. No Reservations Movie Trailer 44. BP 45. Franklin Templeton Investments 46. Fedex Cup Promo #supplement penis enlargement #male ball strap enhancer
Aired: December 23, 2024
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