| 1h 28m 28s | Video has closed captioning.
Hey you! Yeah you! Read down here for disclaimers! :) Scroll farther down to see my notes. Thanks for watching! Disclaimers: I was and am in the typical range of women my age in my sleeping habits. I very rarely exceeded or did not meet the average benchmark of women my age, every single night. I could not find out what women my age really meant, I can only assume they’re using my actual age of 26, and not a large group of ages like 25-35. So in terms of achieving better sleep, or it changing at all, from what I see my FitBit tracked in the 4 sleep stage averages, the CBD oil did not alter that. I was always alert and awake as normal the next morning. I was not more awake or more sleepy than normal. My normal is that I hate mornings, and I don’t want to get out of bed til around 11am, if I had my way. It takes me a while to get out of bed even on days when I don’t work early (like 8am). Once up and out of bed for about half an hour, I am wide awake. So, that being said, my normal remained that way while I was taking CBD Oil. It did not alter my mood or my effectiveness of work the next day. I only tried what I was comfortable with, as I have never participated in any kind of illegal drugs before. Now that Canada has legalized marijuana, I feel somewhat comfortable purchasing it online. I still don’t know all the legalities behind it, but I can say that I only used CBD oil for this experiment, not that I enjoyed it, and I probably will try something else later on for the same purpose of sleep and bedwetting. What I was comfortable with for this experiment was very low THC, and probably did not perform as well as a CBD oil with higher levels of THC. CBD oil may be good for you, and it may not be good for you. I am not a doctor, I do not claim to be. I do not claim to know much about CBD oil, but I do know that I did my research and that I was learning stuff along the way. I am way more knowledgeable than I was before. I would say my knowledge is mediocre at best, whereas before I had zero knowledge on this subject. I did not ask my doctor about CBD Oil because I didn’t feel like bugging her about a legal product. I did not even take enough to warrant any concern for my use of it. I’m only saying this because I think I didn’t take enough of it to begin with, and if I were to continue this experiment, I would change the amount and type of CBD oil. For this experiment alone, to see if taking CBD Oil before bed would alleviate my symptoms of bedwetting, there is very little on the subject, but there is enough for me to believe that this is a possible treatment for urinary incontinence. My first inclination that it would be helpful is what I saw online about the benefits of CBD oil. The biggest two being sleep disorders and seizures/epilepsy. That was enough motivation for me to decide to try it out. Sleep disorders for the fact that I would consider bedwetting a sleep disorder, as well as I have always had a hard time falling asleep, mostly because I can’t shut off my brain. I have been tested for brain seizures because those who have bedwetting may be suffering from brain seizures where their brain is telling the bladder to void while they’re asleep. That is a different video all together, however I was still not completely sure that I did or did not have brain seizures. I have tried epilepsy medication before and had to stop because it gave me a rash. It also did not help with bedwetting, and I never looked back into medication for it again. If CBD oil can help seizures, then I was willing to give it a try. CBD Oil started to remind me of the coconut oil craze, where it was literally claimed to help almost any aliment you could have. However in most pictures or posts it said “possible” or “potential” effects of CBD oil, all of which seemed like good things. I don’t know the full scientific results of all these claims, but, just like coconut oil, if my life is this terrible without it, how bad could it be to give it a try? :P Just kidding. Don’t use that mindset when it comes to drugs… “how bad could it be?”. Very bad kids, it could be very bad. Notes: Factors in play: - FitBit awake minutes before, during, and after experiment - Quality of sleep - Quality of CBD Oil - Amount of CBD Oil - Attitude about CBD Oil - Time at which I took it before sleep - External Factors (being sick, waking up early for work, Christmas away from home) - Urine weight in diaper in morning Websites I found useful: The website I used to base my "CBD Oil helps urinary incontinece" theory: #cbd gummies pros and con #hype cbd gummies 3000 mg
Aired: December 24, 2024
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