Does CBD for Dogs with Aggression Help? The Why & the How Addressed [bEwmVWPnjuk]
Does CBD for Dogs with Aggression Help? The Why & the How Addressed [bEwmVWPnjuk]
| 1h 28m 28s | Video has closed captioning.
CBD For Dogs With Aggression: Does it work? The how and the why in today's video: Visit Ultimate Dog Online for More Tips on Holistic Dog Care, Dog Training, and More: Subscribe to Ultimate Dog for more expert video tips on natural health, training, and nutrition for your Ultimate Dog: Check out our recent video: CBD for Dogs with Anxiety: Want more info about CBD Oil for Dogs? Check out our CBD Oil for Dogs Playlist on YouTube: Follow Ultimate Dog on Social Media: Instagram: Facebook: Pinterest: Twitter: Begin Video Transcript: "Hey folks. Buck Rizvi here, Ultimate Dog. This video is all about can CBD oil help for dogs with aggression? So when it comes to aggression in dogs, aggression is the outcome of fear. Whenever a dog or a human, any mammal encounters a situation that elicits a fight or flight response, this aggression is a form of fight response and this is something that is definitely fear-based. We experience it as humans, dogs experience it as well and the idea is to help dogs calm down and feel less fearful, which is where CBD oil comes in. So what is CBD? CBD is something called cannabidiol and it's derived from the cannabis plant. Now, specifically where CBD has been legalized in the US, EU, and other countries, CBD is derived from the hemp plant and the hemp plant has been cultivated to have virtually zero THC. THC being the psychoactive compound that's normally found in marijuana. So how does CBD work? Well, CBD operates on something called the endocannabinoid system. That's something found in all mammals, humans and in dogs, and it helps to regulate a number of functions in the body, including sleep, inflammation, pain, memory and moods. And the end effect of CBD on both humans and dogs is that you get a more balanced system, meaning a more calmer state, and that's really going to help when it comes to aggression. So is there any evidence, any proof that CBD helps with dogs with aggression? And the good news is there's a lot of anecdotal evidence where people have brought in either rescue dogs or foster dogs and reported stories of great success using CBD oil in those cases. Also for dogs that are getting older in age, it's helped alleviate some of the aggression that might occur as dogs get older, but the good news is also that there are two promising animal studies. In this case, these were done on mice or rats and in one case rats or mice that were very territorial would become much more aggressive and when they were dosed with CBD oil, they became less aggressive. In another study where a rats in this case were exposed to snakes and snakes are the mortal enemy of rats, the rats were less panicked when they were exposed to a snake. So again, two very good cases, clinical studies on animals showing great success when it comes to dosing with CBD and having less fear, less aggression and aggression is born from fear." Cited Sources: Kriss, Randa. “CBD Oil for Dogs: What You Need to Know.” American Kennel Club, 05/02/2019. : Gottfried, Roman. “Can CBD Hemp Oil Help Dogs with Anxiety and Reactivity?” Holistic Dog Training, 04/03/2019. Hartmann, Alice. Lisboa, Sabrina Francesca. Buzolin Sonego, Andreza. Coutinho, Débora. Villela Gomes, Felipe. Silveira Guimarães, Francisco. “Cannabidiol attenuates aggressive behavior induced by social isolation in mice: Involvement of 5-HT1A and CB1 receptors.” Science Direct, 02/05/2019. : Sparwasser, Max. “Dog Bite Statistics: By Breed, Demographics and Location.” Max Sparwasser Law Firm, LLC. 2019. Saling, Carl. “CBD Product: Success Stories of Owners Who Have Used CBD Products.” Purity Petibles, 10/07/2017. : De Mello Schier, Alexandre Rafael. Pinho de Oliveira Ribeiro, Natalia. Cardoso de Oliveira e Silva, Adriana. Cecílio Hallak, Jaime Eduardo. S. Crippa, José Alexandre. E. Nardi, Antonio. Waldo Zuardi, Antonio. “Cannabidiol, a Cannabis sativa constituent, as an anxiolytic drug.” Brazilian Journal for Psychiatry, June 2012. : h #CBDOilforDogs #CBDOilforDogswithAggression #CBDOilTreatmentforDogs #cbd gummies pioneer woman #markes cbd gummies #cbd edible gummies
Aired: December 24, 2024
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