My 14 week carb cycling weight loss progression. [aOfd_9SmUGp]
My 14 week carb cycling weight loss progression. [aOfd_9SmUGp]
| 1h 28m 28s | Video has closed captioning.
I wanted to put this little video together for a few weeks now. I started powerlifting in 2005 at a BW of 155 lbs. I started eating like a maniac, and by 2008, I weighed at times, as much as 240 lbs at a body fat percentage in the mid-high 20%'s. I hired Shelby Starnes over at Troponin Nutrition, and he showed me the way. Not only have the bodyweight percentages on my lifts gone way up, but I look and feel so much better. I'm trying to get bigger and leaner and I'm still taking pics every week, so look for another progress video to come in a few months. #max keto gummies reviews #burn keto gummies #simply a cv keto gummies
Aired: December 24, 2024
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