The Unexpected Link Between Erectile Dysfunction, Viagra & the Heart (ft Medlife Crisis) | Corporis [__5FDBkho8y]
| 1h 28m 28s | Video has closed captioning.
When researching the testosterone video, I noticed a common theme: men often bought Viagra assuming it was exogenous Testosterone. In this video, Dr. Rohin Francis and I break down how erectile dysfunction works and what's up with Viagra's efficacy. Subscribe to Medlife Crisis: ☠️NONE OF THE INFORMATION IN THIS VIDEO SHOULD BE USED AS MEDICAL ADVICE OR OPINION. IT IS FOR GENERAL EDUCATION AND ENTERTAINMENT☠️ 🔗 L I N K S 🔗 📱Instagram: 🐦Twitter: 💰Patreon: 📽 O T H E R V I D E O S 📽 ⚰️Medical History playlist: 🔬Anatomy Basics playlist: 💪Kinesiology and Biomechanics playlist: 📜 S O U R C E S 📜 1. Physical Activity to Improve Erectile Dysfunction: a Systematic Review of Intervention Studies (2018) 2. Massachusetts Male Aging Study (1994) for American Statistic German ED Comparison, physiology of erections (2002) 3. 10% of impotent men seek treatment 4. 2017 Guardian article. Viagra use in the UK statistics 5. Paper presented on screen. JAMA (2005) 6. Slidenafil Citrate Overall cardiovascular profile of slidenafil citrate (1999) 7. 64% of men… 8. Exercise prescriptions for ED treatment Heart Further recommended reading: JAMA (2011) EHJ 💊A B O U T 💊 Hi, I’m Patrick. I’m a freelance science writer based in the San Francisco Bay Area. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Athletic Training and a master’s in clinical exercise physiology. I used to work in the clinical setting as a certified athletic trainer, physical therapy aide, and a certified strength and conditioning specialist. After working in the clinical setting, I went back to school and became a teacher. The goal of my content is to help normal people, not just pre-med students, learn about the human body. That might mean explaining a topic from an anatomy class or exploring a topic from medical history. 💻 C O N T A C T 💻 If you’d like to sponsor a video or have other business inquiries: patkellyteaches [at] #corporis #anatomy #medicalhistory #buy penis enlargment dvd #male enhancement review #penis enlargement in barbados
Aired: December 24, 2024
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