See My Erect Penis Before & After Non-Surgical Foreskin Restoration! {Color & Truncated} [X8mBDjNJouk]
| 1h 28m 28s | Video has closed captioning.
[To make it clear that the penis shown is in an educational context and not for sexual gratification I: 1) Started it with a 10-second Content Advisory. 2) Narrated it with medically-appropriate language. 3) Have the full narration text on-screen so there is never only a penis on-screen. 4) Have additional labels with arrows pointing to the specific penis anatomy. 5) Wore medical gloves when I used my hands to touch the soft penis to show anatomy. 6) Did not use my hands at all on the erect penis when showing the movable skin so that my demonstration would not be mistaken for masturbation(Showing this difference between an erect circumcised penis and erect one with restored foreskin will be especially helpful for my age-restricted intended audience of men with penis problems). I appreciate your understanding that my intention is to only make a video that complies with YT's guidelines.] The purpose of this video is to show how doing non-surgical foreskin restoration physically changes the functioning and anatomy of a circumcised penis. In this overview I show: 1) my circumcision scar. 2) where my missing frenulum would have been. 3) how my penis functions both before and after foreskin restoration. 4) how I now have grown enough new skin that it is movable onto the head just like my original foreskin would have been had it not been cut off without my consent. I hope anyone else out there who like me was struggling with sexual-dysfunction issues like desenstivity, uncomfortably tight erections, and 'turkey neck' scrotum will have hope that there is something they can do to be more functional. Also I want to note, I am not selling anything. There are other brands of restorers that work just as well as the ones I use and show in the video. Also some restorers use homemade devices, which is also what I started out with for the first two years of my restoration journey. "It's harder to take care of an intact penis" - Actually, in the first few weeks it is easier to care for an uncircumcised newborn. At birth the foreskin is fused to the head of the penis and no special care is required... no Vaseline to mess with, no worrying about if the penis is healing properly. It usually takes several years for the foreskin to naturally retract, sometimes up to puberty. Forcefully retracting the foreskin can cause pain, bleeding, and lead to infection and other complications. Once the foreskin is able to naturally retract, it takes maybe an extra 30 seconds to clean. "The Bible says you have to circumcise" - Unlike Jews, Christians are NOT required to circumcise. It states this several times in the New Testament. "He should look like his father" - This is one of the most ridiculous arguments I've heard. If John lost one of his fingers in an accident, we wouldn't have our baby's corresponding digit removed. "He'll get an infection if he's not circumcised" - As long as no one forcefully retracts my son's foreskin (if that happens, someone's looking for a beat down), he has less than a 1% chance of having an issue. There is a greater chance of having a problem resulting from circumcision surgery. "He'll be different from all the other boys and will get teased in the locker room" - There's nothing wrong with being different. It is becoming increasingly popular to leave boys intact. My pediatrician estimates that our area has about a 30% intact rate, and some other parts of the country are closer to 50%. I have spoken with several intact men and parents of intact boys, and locker room teasing isn't any worse for intact boys than circumcised boys. If one boy says something about another boy's penis, the teaser is usually made fun of for looking. Some boys might compare size, but intact penises generally look larger. "If he needs/wants to be circumcised later, it'll be more painful" - If our son wants or needs the surgery later on, he'll have a higher pain threshold, will be able to be unconscious for the procedure, and will be able to have some nice drugs for pain management. "Routine infant circumcision is no big deal... they don't feel pain and they won't remember it anyway" - I find it absurd to have surgery performed on a perfectly healthy infant. Circumcision is a painful cosmetic surgery with some serious risks. Many hospitals (including the one I delivered at) do not use anything to numb the skin or relieve the pain, and infants definitely do feel pain! I have seen how they do the procedure, and it's awful. Even if he won't remember the pain, that does not justify it. I wouldn't make him go through it alone, and I couldn't stand to see my little guy have the most sensitive part of his body cut up. "He'll be rejected by women as an adult" - Some women think that intact penises look ugly, but penises in general don't really look "pretty". Any chick who doesn't want to be with a guy simply because he has an unaltered and NORMAL penis is a shallow and ignorant. I wouldn't want my son with someone like that. #male enhancement pills on ebay #male enhancement drug extenze #rise up male enhancement pills #penis enlargement tf hypnosis
Aired: December 24, 2024
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