The Armchair Survivalist Radio Show - 12 18 2016 - CBD Oil [U-u83IdFX2s]
The Armchair Survivalist Radio Show - 12 18 2016 - CBD Oil [U-u83IdFX2s]
| 1h 28m 28s | Video has closed captioning.
See Show Notes here - Sale Announcement - ECONOMY After Raising Rates Once During The Obama Years, The Fed Promises Constant Rate Hikes During The Trump Era FOOD - HEALTH 100 tons of dead fish in Indonesia, thousands more in Brazil 12.5 million chickens and ducks culled in South Korea Smoggy Beijing, under alert, orders factories to shut or cut output Congress Just Quietly Handed Drug Companies a Dangerous Victory ELECTION 2016 Jill Stein Spends $1mm Of Recount Donations On “Staff, Admin and Consultants” 37% of Detroit Precincts Had More Votes Than Voters Feds Admit No Russian Cyberattacks Targeting Election Julian Assange: Our source is not the Russian government OBAMANATION (and all things Demunistic) Feds: Cars must be able to talk to each other we promise: we won't listen in ! 820,000 criminal aliens - 68,880 have felonies Human Tracking Bill Passes House University Says Using “Holiday” Instead of “Christmas” is Not Politically Correct Enough NC school district bans all choirs from performing at ‘Christmas Nativity Celebration’ National Geographic now promoting sexual perversion, especially amongst children !! cancel your subscription immediately! ISLAM: CULT OF INSANITY AND DEATH Muslims doing what Muslims do: Cities in Sweden Told to Prepare For War Muslim Teen Claimed Trump Supporters Attacked Her, She Lied Islam says to lie to ALL "infidels" Obama Took $2.6B From Vets To Give To Muslim invaders Show Title: CBD OIL The history of Hemp and it's uses. If CBD Oil has no "scientific studies that prove it's medical properties", why does the MAYO CLINIC have dosing recommendations??? Over 1,600 medical studies on CBD Conditions that have been treated by CBD DEA Intends To Ban CBD Oil Despite Mountains of Medical Evidence DEA's actions are in direct violation of actual LAW!! Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2015 Amends the Controlled Substances Act to exclude industrial hemp from the definition of "marihuana." Defines "industrial hemp" to mean the plant Cannabis sativa L. and any part of such plant, whether growing or not, with a delta-nine tetrahydrocannabinol concentration of not more than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis. Deems Cannabis sativa L. to meet that concentration limit if a person grows or processes it for purposes of making industrial hemp in accordance with state law, unless the Attorney General determines that the state law is not reasonably calculated to comply with such definition. The DEA's Corporate-controlled "rule" goes into effect Jan. 13, 2017 #how much do cbd gummies #cbd gummies use #cbd gummies troy aikman #cbd gummy meme #cbd gummi bears
Aired: December 24, 2024
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