(Prostate Cancer Treatment Options & Survivor) Low Sexual Side Effects Cancer Alternative - 3/3 [TyTkLmdSnKk]
| 1h 28m 28s | Video has closed captioning.
(Prostate Cancer Treatment Options & Survivor) Low Sexual Side Effects Alternative prostate Cancer Treatment- 3/3 Los Angeles - Beverly Hills - Santa Monica Hyperthermia combined with low-dose-radiation as is given at the Valley Cancer Institute in Los Angeles California, has VERY LOW OR NO SIDE EFFECTS. 2/3 of "graduated" patients at VCI report increase on libido, and normal or better sexual functions. The reason why? Very simple: - NO SURGERY - NO CHEMOTHERAPY - NO HIGH-DOSE-RADIATION OR RADIATION ALONE Hyperthermia is the simple application of heat to the tumor cancer area, which has very low or NO SIDE SEXUAL EFFECTS: impotence, reduction of sexual desire, lose of libido, erectile dysfunction, plus incontinence and diarrhea. The low-dose-radiation allows the body to recover from it very easily. If complemented with a healthy diet and exercise, the cancer treatment results with Hyperthermia are even better and faster. Hyperthermia is known for improving the Immune System Response, which further improves treatment results From this "graduate" patient: From The LETTERS section of US Magazine, a letter from one of our doctors: Prostate cancer prospects AFTER READING YOUR REPORT "Prostate Patients' Painful Choices" [October 16], I feel compelled to inform you of our results. Using radiation combined with hyperthermia (heat) we have not only achieved a better cure rate than either surgery or radiation alone but not a single patient has developed erection difficulty. Indeed, two thirds of the patients report significant increase in both sexual functions and libido. Since the threat of impotence often deters men from accepting treatment, elimination of that prospect will significantly lower the mortality rate for prostate cancer. Dr Ralph S. Wolfstein Valley Cancer Institute/Bicher Cancer Institute Hyperthermia combined with low-dose-radiation in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, West Wood, West Hollywood, Hollywood, Manhattan Beach, Redondo Beach, Palos Verdes, Culver City, Brentwood, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Useful Links: Prostate Cancer Treatment Guide The Prostate Cancer Treatment Guide lists treatment descriptions, survival rates, side effects and other important information associated with prostate Prostate Cancer Treatment Options -- prostate cancer treatment options, including watchful waiting, radiation therapy, radical prostatectomy and hormone therapy. Prostate Cancer Treatment (PDQ®) - National Cancer Institute Online resource which addresses signs and symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, clinical trials and support. Treatment Choices for Early-Stage Prostate Cancer - National ... As a man with early-stage prostate cancer, you will be able ... Prostate Cancer Treatment (PDQ®) - National Cancer Institute There are different types of alternative treatment for patients with PRostate Cancer --------- Erectile Dysfunction Provides a comprehensive introduction to the causes, symptoms, and treatments for bladder control problems in women. - Erectile dysfunction Erectile Dysfunction Health Center - Find impotence ... Erectile dysfunction affects an estimated 18 million men in the US alone. Here you'll find impotence information including its causes, impotence drugs, ... - Prostate cancer: Symptoms - MayoClinic.com Prostate cancer may not cause signs or symptoms in its early stages. Prostate cancer that is more advanced may cause signs and symptoms such as: ... Prostate Cancer Symptoms and Types of Prostate Cancer Do you know the symptoms of prostate cancer? Learn about prostate cancer symptoms, the significance of an enlarged prostate, and more. Prostate Cancer Causes, Diagnosis, Information, Symptoms ... "I had absolutely no family history of prostate cancer," Miller says. "I was very active, had no symptoms, and had an excellent diet." ... prostate cancer index Prostate Cancer Symptoms - Prostate Cancer #one a day gummies #male enhancement pills for ed #penis enlargement new york
Aired: December 24, 2024
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