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Keto Diet & Diabetes: How Ketosis Affects Insulin [ScrGI16rQzk]

Keto Diet & Diabetes: How Ketosis Affects Insulin [ScrGI16rQzk]

| 1h 28m 28s | Video has closed captioning.

Click Here to Subscribe: Website: Get my Eating-Out Cheatsheet: Keto Diet & Diabetes: How Ketosis Affects Insulin - Thomas DeLauer There's a lot of mystery surrounding ketosis and diabetes and in this video I wanna give you an understanding of both diabetes and how it affects the body but also ketosis and its effect on diabetes, not only in theory, but also with some peer reviewed studies. In this video, I wanna start off by breaking down what insulin does in the body. Then I wanna talk about the various forms of diabetes, type one and type two and then I'm gonna give you a breakdown of how the ketogenic diet and insulin plays a role when it comes down to diabetes because it's really important that we have an understanding there. So lets dive in and talk about insulin really quick. So within our pancreas, we have these cells that are known as beta cells and what beta do is they produce insulin as a response to any kind of carbohydrate that our body sees. So basically, when we have glucose that is derived from food that we eat, our beta cells produce these insulin molecules. These insulin molecules flow around through the body, they allow the cell to absorb that glucose. They allow liver cells, muscle cells and fat cells to absorb the glucose to ultimately be used for fuel. So then we take the next step to look at diabetes, we can understand how diabetes and insulin work together. So the first one I wanna talk about is type one diabetes. A type one diabetes is not traditional, type one is a little bit more rare and it is an autoimmune condition. You see, what happens with this autoimmune condition is you body is actually fighting off beta cells. So those beta cells that produce insulin, your body's own immune system is fighting them off and it's making it so that they're not able to produce insulin. That's why a type one diabetic needs to take exogenous insulin to make sure that they're blood sugar doesn't go through the roof from foods that they eat. Here's the other thing, without insulin, the body can start to essentially starve. Because it's not able to see that glucose because the insulin is never allowing the glucose into the cells, the body starts to break down proteins and fats. That's why often times, type one diabetic are a lot more thin that the type two diabetic. It's not the conventional way that we would look at diabetes as just being an issue with overweight people. Then we move in to type two diabetes. Type two diabetes is the more common one and this is sort of the opposite in a sense, it happens on the other end of the spectrum. Our body's cells are liver, our fat, our muscle cells no longer can receive insulin very well or they get desensitized to it. So they get so much insulin at one point in time that they don't respond to it nearly as well, which means that blood glucose ends up staying elevated and therefore, the pancreas tries its best to produce more insulin. Those beta cells try really hard because they see blood sugar rising but they can only do so much. So they try and try and try and eventually become exhausted and sometimes even fully shut down, which gets you to the point where you cannot produce enough insulin to handle the glucose. So you either have to take medications to lower your glucose or you have to take exogenous insulin if it gets too bad. So now lets go into the ketogenic diet and how this works because this is pretty interesting. Now, initially, on the surface, we can look at the ketogenetic diet, the reduction of carbohydrates and how it would reduce our need for insulin because we don't need as much insulin because we don't have as many carbs. So I wanted to look at a couple of studies and I found one that was extremely interesting and this one breaks down the exact effect of the ketogenic diet on type two diabetes. This study was published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research Publications and it took a look at 262 people that had type two diabetes. And what they found was that when they put them on a ketogenic diet, under 30 grams of carbohydrates per day and increased fat intake, that they started to have some pretty remarkable results. References 1) A Novel Intervention Including Individualized Nutritional Recommendations Reduces Hemoglobin A1c Level, Medication Use, and Weight in Type 2 Diabetes. (2017, March 7). Retrieved from 2) Vieira, G. (2017, July 15). Why DKA & Nutritional Ketosis Are Not The Same. Retrieved from 3) Type 1 diabetes mellitus successfully managed with the paleolithic ketogenic diet... (n.d.). Retrieved from #best gummie for weight loss #dr juan keto blast gummies #kelly keto gummies #the pioneer woman keto gummies

Aired: December 24, 2024

Rating: TV-14

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