Genital Revival; Long lasting, highly effective, natural alternatives to Cialis or Viagra for ED [RVs4acXhFc7]
| 1h 28m 28s | Video has closed captioning.
In this video Dr Silvers offers a natural remedy for erectile dysfunction. A doctor injects anesthetics in Dr. Silvers' buttocks to numb his genital. Dr. Silvers injects his own genital to demonstrate how absolutely painless the procedure that is called Rhino Boost is. Men can expect restoration of sensitivity, and to attain on demand very firm and long-lasting erections. Rhino Boost treats and often cures Peyronie's disease. The genitals receive inadequate blood supply in the unexcited mode. It is as if the genitals are traumatized slightly daily. Platelets contain repairing and regenerative molecules. Platelet rich plasma treatment induces activation of a person's own platelets to employ the molecules that are stored in them. Dr. Jack Silvers numbs the genital area fully by targeting the main nerve fibers that supplies sensation to the area. The nerve fibers pass over the buttocks. Rhino Boost involves injecting an anesthetic over the nerve fiber in the buttocks, once full anesthesia of the genitals is achieved, the penis would be injected with a person's own activated platelets. No downtime, and no side effects because native molecules of the platelets are used. 65% of men notice marked improvement three months after one treatment. Men are thrilled about their firmness, longevity, and skin sensitivity when their genitals are in the excited mode. If not fully satisfied after the first round, 85% of men who have undergone two sessions join the happy campers. Viagra or Cialis stop working after a while, in addition, they have side effects, such as hearing loss and ringing in the ears (tinnitus). The video contains a lot more info. #first day life gummies reviews #best cbd for male enhancement #enlarge penis without pills #penis enlargement excercisex
Aired: December 24, 2024
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