CBD Oil Review for Anxiety and Stress [Q_H_R9YsuCq]
CBD Oil Review for Anxiety and Stress [Q_H_R9YsuCq]
| 1h 28m 28s | Video has closed captioning.
CBD OIL COMPANY LINK - JOIN MY FB GROUP -- MY WEBSITE -- Here is my CBD(cannabidiol) review after about a week of use where I describe how I feel and some of the uses. I have dealt with a lot of mental stress and anxiety in my life and I believe this is a safe and wonderful alternative to most things that are pushed on us these days. Anxiety can be very hard and limiting so please share this with others that could use a little less stress in their lives! I feel this can help! TRANSCRIPT FOR CBD OIL REVIEW/TESTIMONIAL FOR STRESS & ANXIETY [Beginning of recorded material] Hi guys, Andrew here with You’re Worth More. I named my business that because you are worth more than the traditional systems set in place for you that hold you back. And what I like to do is review and find and work together on things that get people out of the systems, let them have the potential to be who they truly are and grow as much as they can. One of those systems that's put in place is health and wellness, pretty hard-core system that's been put in place to keep us not as healthy as we can be obviously not even close. So one of the things I am going to review today is CBD Oil. CBD Oil, this one is made from hemp plants, it's really weird because a lot of people talk about THC, all they do is talk about THC, how high the levels are in their plants and stuff and all of the benefits... but it seems like people don't talk about CBD which is really weird. So this is my review/testimonial of CBD Oil, I have had this for about a week now and I have dealt something really, probably the hardest challenge in my life has been stress, anxiety, you can mix in depression symptoms here and there from dealing with that stuff, but that's been a huge challenge in my life. So I'm always looking for the best tools to help me find peace, find clarity, reduce stress, which makes it easier on my body and mind to function and you know, be who I want to be; so this is from cannavest.com, it's a 2 ounces 200 mg CBD peppermint. So it's good, it tastes good, it's kind of refreshing. And I have been sharing it, a lot. You know we just had Christmas, I shared with family and some friends and everybody really likes it, you don't get high, it's not a paranoid, you don't get paranoid, you don't get that head high at all, it's just, it's a calm, relaxed feeling and it seems like if this really got out there, which it should, and I hope it does, would really help a s#$ load of people. All of these people taking pills for depression and anxiety and all the stuff, you know, a lot less of that would be needed if people knew about CBD Oil I think. This is a CBD/hemp oil, it's also great for your joints, discomfort anywhere in your body it’s supposed to be really good for that. But mostly for me it's just been a, makes the day a little lighter, makes you not care about things you really don't want to care about that are really pointless and they just stress you out. So it seems to just help with that stuff. I highly recommend if you deal with stress, if you deal with anxiety issues, if you deal with, you know, if you live in a city basically you probably, you know, your job is stressful, you could probably use it. Just to give it a try, you are not going to get high, you're not going to get paranoid and I hope a lot more people talk about it and share it and it's been great. So that's my testimonial/review of CBD Oil, this is from cannavest.com, I have no affiliation, I just did a lot of research and thought this looked like a really great company. So, there it is, enjoy it folks. Talk to you later. Bye. #smart cbd gummies reviews #vegan cbd gummy bears uk #life cbd gummy bears
Aired: December 24, 2024
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