Acupressure For ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION/Acupressure Points For ED/Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Hindi [P_Jmuuq659K]
| 1h 28m 28s | Video has closed captioning.
acupressure for erectile dysfunction/acupressure points for ed/erectile dysfunction treatment in hindi Acupressure : Acu -means point and pressure – means applying pressure So acupressure means applying pressure on the exact point to get healing effects very effective treatment , all these can be use for any person of any age except pregnant ladies ,in which extra precautions should be taken .all these are very easy to learn and apply on self and on others very easily to get effective results . all these are totally harmless , there is no side effects of these , for this treatment no need of any money , medicines or you don’t have to go out of your home , this treatment can be done at home very successfully some PRECAUTIONS for acupressure treatment : First find out the exact location of acupressure points Deep breathing - breathing is most important tool during acupressure to clean and revitalize our all body system. if you take shallow breath all the cells of our body do not get enough oxygen , so they are not fully vitalized , but you take deep breath then all your body system work to its full potential .during acupressure if you take deep breath all the pain chemicals are washed away and you will get new healing energy flowing to that part to during acupressure , you should be conscious about your breathing , you should first sit in comfortable position , relax your body ,then close your eyes , and focus on the pathway of breath from nose to abdomen and then from abdomen to nose ,at the same time press the acupressure points with minimum pressure Pressure - You can use your thumb , middle finger or any other finger for applying acupressure , or you can use special acupressure tools , or use whatever available in home , like pen , pencil like … Pressure should not be too painful , pressure should be medium , not too much or not too light , but that depends upon the painfulness of that point and tolerance capacity of patient , but thumb of rule is that pressure should be of medium , so that patient will not feel uncomfortable , otherwise it will impede the flow of energy to that organ Avoid pressure on abdomen area during pregnancy , stomach cancer , intestinal cancer , TB , or other life threatening conditions Avoid scar tissues if injury is recent or s car is not healed fully Before applying acupressure patient should drink one or two glass of water ,so that chemicals released during acupressure will be easily washed away After finishing acupressure one should go for urination to remove all toxins out of body which are released during acupressure therapy Press one each point for 2- 3 minutes at least Acupressure treatment can be done for two times a day , not more than that otherwise our organs will be overworked and your body will be overloaded with toxins which will harm you instead of heal you Acupressure contra indications - Acupressure should be avoided I n Patients with life-threatening diseases or in serious medical conditions . It is advisable for beginner to give special attention in any medical emergency situation, such as a stroke or heart attack, or for any serious medical condition, such as arteriosclerosis or an illness caused by bacteria. acupressure is not the only treatment for cancer, contagious skin diseases, or sexually transmitted diseases .In conjunction with proper medical attention, however, gentle acupressure can help calm and relieve a patient's tension and pain. Disclaimer : These videos are only intended for informational purpose.Any information associated with these videos should not be considered as a substitute for prescription suggested by LOCAL beauty, diet and health care professionals.Viewers are subjected to use these information on their own risk.This channel doesn’t take any responsibility for any harm, side-effects, illness or any health or skin care problems caused due to the use of our content or anything related to this. follow my channel google plus : facebook : twitter : pinterest : linkedin : for more videos SUBSCRIBE to my channel #top male enhancement gel #foods that can enlarge penis #lucky guy male sexual enhancer
Aired: December 24, 2024
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