Male reproductive organs education [LvmHb4rq4g4]
Male reproductive organs education [LvmHb4rq4g4]
| 1h 28m 28s | Video has closed captioning.
How male reproductive organs work The male reproductive organ, also known as the male genitalia, consists of several parts that play a crucial role in the reproductive process. The penis is the primary external organ and consists of a shaft and a tip called the glans. Within the penis, there are three cylindrical chambers of erectile tissue: two corpora cavernosa on the upper side and a corpus spongiosum on the underside. The corpora cavernosa fill with blood during sexual arousal, causing an erection. The urethra, a tube that runs through the penis, serves as a passage for both urine and semen. The scrotum is a sac-like structure that holds the testicles. The testicles, also known as testes, are the primary male reproductive organs that produce sperm and the male sex hormone testosterone. The epididymis is a coiled tube located on the back of each testicle where sperm mature and are stored. The vas deferens is a long, muscular tube that transports sperm from the epididymis to the urethra. The seminal vesicles and prostate gland secrete fluids that mix with sperm to form semen. The bulbourethral glands, also known as Cowper's glands, produce a clear lubricating fluid that is released prior to ejaculation. These various parts of the male reproductive organ work together to enable sexual function, sperm production, and the delivery of semen during ejaculation. #MaleReproductiveSystem #AnatomyOfMaleGenitalia #MaleReproductiveOrgans #PenisStructure #TesticlesAndSpermProduction #ErectileTissueAndErections #UrethraFunction #ScrotumAndTesticularHealth #TestosteroneAndMaleHormones #EpididymisAndSpermMaturation #VasDeferensAndSpermTransport #SeminalVesiclesAndSemenProduction #ProstateGlandAndItsRole #CowpersGlandsAndLubrication #MaleReproductiveHealth #MaleFertilityAndInfertility #SexualFunctionAndPerformance #MaleReproductiveDisorders #MaleReproductiveSystemDiseases #MaleReproductiveSystemSurgery #MaleReproductiveSystemDevelopment #MaleReproductiveSystemHormones #MaleReproductiveSystemPhysiology #MaleReproductiveSystemDisorders #MaleReproductiveSystemAndOverallHealth #ten hard days male enhancement #bee sting to enlarge penis #scorn penis enlarger
Aired: December 23, 2024
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