P-Shot এ মিলবে পুরুষের ব্যাক্তিগত সমস্যার সমাধান | P-Shot in Bangladesh [Iss9ktI6VmS]
P-Shot এ মিলবে পুরুষের ব্যাক্তিগত সমস্যার সমাধান | P-Shot in Bangladesh [Iss9ktI6VmS]
| 1h 28m 28s | Video has closed captioning.
পুরুষের সমস্যার সমাধান নিয়ে MediTalk Digital এ বলেছেন ডা. কিউ এম মারুফ মাহবুব আসিফ 01728084385 Content created by Healthline and sponsored by our partners. Learn more The P-Shot, PRP, and Your Penis Uses Research Cost Finding a provider Preparation Procedure Side effects and complications Aftercare Results Takeaway The P-Shot involves taking platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from your blood and injecting it into your penis. This means your doctor takes your own cells and tissues and injects them into your penile tissues to promote tissue growth and purportedly give you better erections. The most popular form is called the Priapus Shot. This name, taken from the Greek deity of sexual health, was first used by Dr. Charles Runels (of Kardashian vampire facial fame) and caught on from there. Unfortunately, there’s been very little research done for any of the specific claims you’ll see the P-Shot marketed for. So before you take the P-Shot to your P (or to your V), here’s what to know. What is PRP? PRP therapy involves injecting a concentration of platelets from your own blood into your body. Platelets are involved in normal wound healing and mechanisms like blood clotting. What is the P-Shot used for? The P-Shot is based on PRP therapy used in recovery from muscle and joint injuries and explored for treating chronic health conditions. In all cases, it’s considered an experimental treatment. In short, the P-Shot has been used as an alternative treatment in cases including: erectile dysfunction (ED) lichen sclerosus Peyronie’s disease, a condition in which scar tissue makes the penis curve when it’s erect penis enhancement general sexual function, performance, and orgasm enhancement Orgasms happen (and don’t happen) for a number of physical, mental, and emotional reasons. A shot may not actually do anything for the root cause of your ability to have orgasms. According to Dr. Richard Gaines, who provides the P-Shot along with other therapies at his LifeGaines practice, the benefits of this treatment on sexual performance may be attributed to: increased blood flow repair responses in some tissue or cells new neural pathways being established (from new experiences and positive reinforcement) the placebo effectTrusted Source What we know about PRP for sexual function A 2019 review of current research on PRP for male sexual dysfunction found there is no research to clearly show the benefits, safety, and risks of this procedure. Another 2019 reviewTrusted Source found that there was extremely limited evidenceTrusted Source that PRP had a positive impact on ED. And another 2019 review concluded that the studies that have been done on PRP for male sexual function are too small and not well-designed. In a 2017 study of 1,220 people, PRP was combined with the daily use of a vacuum pump to enlarge the penis. While participants experienced increased penis length and girth, this can be achieved by a penis pump alone, and the effect is temporary. Use of the pump can physically draw blood into the penis for a period of time. But using one of these too often or for too long can actually damage tissue in the penis, and lead to erections that are not as firm. Overall there needs to be more research into PRP use for men’s sexual health. How much does it cost? This procedure is elective and only offered by a few trained doctors. It’s also not covered by most health insurance plans. You may have to pay quite a bit out of pocket for it. The Hormone Zone advertises the procedure for about $1,900, but doesn’t say exactly what’s included in the cost. According to the 2018 Plastic Surgery Statistics Report, the average doctor’s fee for a single PRP procedure was $683. That average doesn’t include any other expenses of the procedure like what’s needed for prep, instruments, and care at the facility. How to find a provider Start with your doctor Your first stop should be your primary care physician, or your urologist (for people with penises) or gynecologist (for people with vaginas). They may have some experience fielding questions about this procedure or know of a specialist who performs the P-Shot (if not themselves). At the very least, they’ll likely be able to get you in contact with a reputable facility or point you in the right direction. If you don’t already have a urologist, the Healthline FindCare tool can help you find a physician in your area. Ask all the questions you have Here are some questions to consider as you search for someone to do your P-Shot: #versaflex male enhancement #cross penis enlargement #best thc gummies for ed #low carb gummy candy
Aired: December 24, 2024
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