Diet Pill Replaced with SP6 - The Best Weight Loss Plan [GWeUcpsEKKF]
Diet Pill Replaced with SP6 - The Best Weight Loss Plan [GWeUcpsEKKF]
| 1h 28m 28s | Video has closed captioning.
HOW DID THIS WOMAN LOSE 23 POUNDS IN 3 WEEKS? Learn about a remarkable new product that is helping people just like you to lose weight and change their lives. It's called SP6... ...but before you learn about SP6 and what makes it different, first you need to understand why you may have failed at losing weight in the past and why being overweight is NOT your fault. Approximately 127 million adults in the U.S. are overweight, 60 million obese, and 9 million severely obese. That's 65% of the population! - American Obesity Association (2000) DIETS ALONE ARE NOT THE ANSWER! While eating the right foods always makes sense how many times have you tried the latest fad diet only to find that it either didnt work or you couldnt stay on it? For most people diets are not a long term solution for weight loss. DIET PILLS ARE NOT THE SOLUTION! You can use caffeine or the latest herb to rev-up your metabolism but what happens when you stop using them? You gain the weight right back! More alarmingly is that long-term use of pep pills can cause adrenal failure. Diet pills are not a long term solution for weight loss. HOW MUCH EXERCISE? While exercise like cardio should be a part of any weight loss program, it is very difficult for most people to lose weight with exercise alone. For example, you might burn 300 calories with 30 minutes of cardio; Not much considering that 1 pound of fat equals 3500 calories! For most people exercise alone is not a solution for weight loss. WHY ARE WE OVERWEIGHT IN THE FIRST PLACE? Fifty years ago there was NO obesity problem in society. Sure there were people that were overweight but is was no where near the problem it is today. So why are we all becoming overweight and why is it so hard to lose fat? ANSWER: OUR FOOD HAS CHANGED! Think about it... the AVERAGE sugar consumption in the United States is 150 POUNDS per year per individual! 100 Years ago the average sugar consumption was only 16 pounds per person! Excessive sugar, artificial ingredients, preservatives and toxins are making us sick and FAT! ITS NOT YOUR FAULT! Its not your fault that there is so much sugar and artificial ingredients in the food today. And lets face it, finding a healthy meal can be difficult. After all we never do see a fresh piece of fruit in a vending machine! So what can you do that will actually WORK and help you lose this stubborn fat? FROM BAD TO WORSE To make matters worse all of that sugar you are eating causes your body to store fat! When you eat sugar, you tell your body to use the sugar for energy and store the excess food as fat. When you run low on energy, your body now wants more sugar. You and I know this as the dreadful cravings. NOW I GET IT! So to lose weight we have to reduce our sugar intake! This will help our body to stop storing fat and allow our body to burn fat. But staying away from sugar is so difficult. How can we stop those painful hunger and sugar cravings? THE ANSWER IS SP6! NEW PATCH TECHNOLOGY LifeWave's latest breakthrough patch technology gently stimulates acupuncture points and makes controlling hunger and sugar cravings easier than ever before! The very first day you wear this patch you will notice that you do not crave food or sweets as much, and reducing calories is one of the first steps to losing weight! LOSE WEIGHT THE EASY WAY! Not only will SP6 help stop those sugar cravings that are making you fat, but with this technology you will have plenty of energy and you will not starve. "In 14 days I lost 11 pounds and 1 ½ inches around the waist. Kiss the Cravings GoodBye and Feel Full at the Same Time!" "I lost 6 pounds my 1st week on the new SP6 patch and 3 lbs my 2nd week for a total of 9 lbs with no exercise." "I have dropped 14 lbs WOW I AM AMAZED. All the girls at work are asking me for the patches, because they have seen the weight I have lost." A LIFETIME SOLUTION! And because SP6 works by gently stimulating acupuncture points you will not crash or rebound when you stop using it. This truly is a system that you can live with for a lifetime! A SIMPLE PLAN FOR EASY WEIGHT LOSS! But the PATCH is just the beginning! You also get guidelines on proper eating habits, exercise, hydration and everything you need to be successful at weight loss! The SP6 system is designed to give you the control, information and energy to SAFELY lose weight - and keep it off - for a LIFETIME! NOTHING TO LOSE! Try SP6 today and you can be on your way to the fastest and easiest method for appetite control and weight loss available. If you are not completely satisfied just return the product for a full refund. Guaranteed! You have nothing to lose but your extra weight! #are the keto gummies legit #metabolic keto gummies reviews #keto acv gummies reviews scam
Aired: December 23, 2024
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