How Surgeon Cure Erectile Dysfunction (Inflatable Penile Prosthesis) by Dr Ajit Saxena [Dp6zcJSqw4T]
How Surgeon Cure Erectile Dysfunction (Inflatable Penile Prosthesis) by Dr Ajit Saxena [Dp6zcJSqw4T]
| 1h 28m 28s | Video has closed captioning.
Inflatable Penile Prosthesis Penile Implants Three piece by Dr Ajit Saxena This Patient of Erectile Dysfunction - After all the drugs have failed including virga and its clones. Let’s not forget there is one thing we can do for this Erectile Dysfunction patient! It is Penile Prosthesis, with very good results. It May actually save a marriage from going into ruins. Here I’m demonstrating three pieces’ penile prosthesis for this ED (erectile dysfunction) Patient. Surgery Details. The incision given in penal-scrotal, after giving the incision on penal-scrotal we reach the corpora cavernosa which is identified by white planting surface. Stay sutures are taken on either side and then sharp start is given into middle of the stay sutures to open up the corpora cavernosa. This is followed by dilatation of the corpora cavernosa. We use the normal hinged dilator but there are specific dilators available that can be use as well. The advantage of using a hinged dilator is its curve on one side and that can be used for proximal dilatation where the plural curve outwards. Similarly, you can feel tip of the dilator in the corpora cavernosa in the mid lanes area. Having dilated the corpora cavernosa. We now measure with the help of a measurer. Then let’s not forget we need ampule amount of antibiotics solution to be given. Similarly, other side is also dilated. I do both the dilation first with that the exposure of the penile prosthesis is minimal. At the same time, we usually have some technician or another assistant surgeon to prepare the prosthesis. As you can see its very important to get the air bubble out the system or penile prosthesis so that becomes a continence system. The system works with a balloon or bulb place in the scrotum. Generally, in the midline because then there is no question being ambidextrous left handed or right handed. Penile Prosthesis placed in-between the two testicles in the scrotum which I will show you later. Right now we are just having the measurements. The two penile prosthesis are then placed inside the corpora cavernosa, note that we have deflated at this stage. Some people like to partially inflated penile prosthesis which doesn’t matter prosthesis are inflated or deflated totally. Main point is get it right to the tip of penis and that is helped by means of a needle which is very carefully opened in the mid glands area on either site and pulls the collapse prosthesis right to the tip. A three pieces’ penile prosthesis has a reserve wire. Which is filled up by 70cc of the sterilized saline solution and again make sure there is no air bubble stays inside. This is then placed by; I generally give separate incision in the inguinal region to place the balloon in that area taking it through a tunnel from the scrotum to the inguinal region. Point to be remembered is that there is a button, which has to be kept away from the pelvic. Following a successful placement of the reserve wire which goes and fix in the place or the pre lateral vesicle space. Sphincter space there and finger dissection one can make a big space or a balloon. Which is then connected with tubing with the help of connecter to the system become continues one. Finally, a space made in this supratours area to accommodate the device that will act as a pump. Now everything become subcutaneous nothing is seen outside. The opening of the scrotal incision is now approximated sutured the pump does not come upward and the incision then closed in layers. Finally, the pump pressed to check that it inflates the slanders and the satisfactory replacement of whole process is then covered with dressing in the semi erect position. The penile prosthesis device kept like that for Six weeks and the patient is asked to wear loos clothing following six weeks of abeyance. It should be ready to use after that. Best of luck to the Person. Join the Facebook Group Subscribe YouTube Channel Contact details Mobile & WhatsApp No:- +91 9910580561 E-mail :- [email protected] Services available in Delhi and NCR #prozyte male enhancement pills #delta 9 gummies sex drive #leg harness penis enlarger
Aired: December 24, 2024
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