I Tried Chloe Ting's Fat Loss Diet (Fake Eater?) [BydL9REP-xJ]
I Tried Chloe Ting's Fat Loss Diet (Fake Eater?) [BydL9REP-xJ]
| 1h 28m 28s | Video has closed captioning.
In today's video my mom and I attempt Chloe Ting's recent fat loss diet that she posted on her channel. Standing at only 5'1, it seems like a lot of food. Due to that, she has been called out as a "fake eater" and misleading her audience into thinking she eats more than she actually does. We go through her entire day of eating from her cookbook and give our honest opinions on her diet, food and even her workouts! Hope you enjoy the video! Thanks for watching! SHOP GYMSHARK🦈 - IRON WAY PRO MEALS- CODE: 'TENNY10' Blue Star Nutraceuticals Supplements 💪🏻- CODE: 'TENNY10' 🔥 FOLLOW ME 🔥 INSTAGRAM- @willtenny INSTAGRAM- @mamatenny Check out my website: #new diet pill craze #weight loss pills mens
Aired: December 24, 2024
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