How to Retail Sell CBD & Consult Consumers 🎯 [BYgE1_MqLpM]
How to Retail Sell CBD & Consult Consumers 🎯 [BYgE1_MqLpM]
| 1h 28m 28s | Video has closed captioning.
If you like this video please drop a comment hit the like button and don't forget to share and subscribe my channel. ------------------------- 🔴 Kristen Brooks explains.... Through education, our mission is to bridge the gap between solid, well-sourced scientific information on cannabidiol, and other cannabinoids, and their utility for improving health. We aim to break the stigma of the cannabis industry as unprofessional and unfounded by giving rise to robust and substantiated evidence that the active compounds of the cannabis plant are a new frontier of medical science. Okay so you finished organizing your new CBD shelving section. You negotiated the right wholesale pricing, with the right vendors, with the right carefully chosen products. And now… you need to sell it! This isn’t coconut oil. It’s not vitamin D. It’s been described as medicinal. Therapeutic. Healing. And CBD alone feeds what’s clinically proven to be the body’s. largest. regulatory. system. CBD is a novel concept And Consumers need a no-nonsense, knowledgeable, but basic, understanding of what CBD is and how to use it, so they can actually get the results, through you, that they’ve heard about. The CBD sale is a different kind of retail sale. Sometimes the components require a high level explanation, and much patience. A lot of the finer details aren’t easily understood just by looking at the packaging, and a lot of people will just walk away if they don’t fully understand it. OR just purchase the cheapest product, which isn’t necessarily the best outcome. This sale requires a consultative approach. It’s very important for the consumer to fully understand the product they’re consuming and to find a product that’s going to work for them because everybody’s lifestyle is different, and everybody’s story is personal (much of this is noted by Andrew Young, VP of product management at the CBD Emporium, in the ECRM podcast with Joseph Tarnowski…definitely worth a listen!). Consumers will come to your business with ample anecdotal evidence and firsthand accounts from people who have been helped by the medicinal properties of CBD and cannabis. If your salesperson can confidently bring some light to why that is and guide them to gaining their own results, you’ll have a customer for life. And, as you probably know by now, CBD isn’t an inexpensive investment, nor is it a one time purchase. So you will have a high paying, repeat customer. And This is worth doing right. Hi Retailers, I’m Kristen Brooks, certified CBD consultant and Founder of HNH. I worked in medical sales for 18 years, selling devices and cancer diagnostics to surgeons. The major ailments for which people are using CBD are pain, inflammation, anxiety, and, also according to Mr. Young, the biggest growing trend …is sleep. As it’s a relatively new industry, we’re all learning. Consumers are really the pioneers of CBD science and experimentation. It’s very much a hands-on, process-of-elimination environment because the clinical data isn’t there yet. But we have figured out a lot about what categories generally work best for our consumers. Often a consumer’s CBD journey will begin with a topical cream of some sort, or a CBD pet tincture. Topicals are not invasive and provide immediate relief, although temporary. And pets …aren’t biased, nor are they susceptible to placebo effect. So it’s easy to subscribe to CBD when you see it play out topically or through a beloved pet. In the second half of this video, I’m going to give you two science driven pearls of information that every sales person should know. The science driven info that I find most useful when I’m selling CBD is… #1) people are amazed by the touted ability of cannabis to treat a large variety of seemingly unrelated conditions. But we now understand that all of these conditions are regulated, at least in part, by the endogenous Cannabinoid system, or the ECS. And it’s always prudent to recommend that the shopper consult their medical provider or pharmacist. Especially when planning to take CBD while taking concurrent medications… and especially any medication that might interact with grapefruit, otherwise known as as these drugs use the cytochrome p450 enzyme, may be inhibited by CBD. Social Media link: --------------------------- 🔴 My Facebook account: --------------------------- --------------------------- ⚪ My Instagram account: --------------------------- --------------------------- ⚪ My Twitter account: --------------------------- --------------------------- ⚫ My Website: --------------------------- --------------------------- #retailcbd #kristenbrooks #cbd #cbd and thc sleep gummies #25mg cbd gummies #high cbd low thc gummies #hemplabs cbd gummies
Aired: December 24, 2024
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