Linzy Miggantz: Cannabis oil & Crohns Disease [AZm9PjUuRLJ]
Linzy Miggantz: Cannabis oil & Crohns Disease [AZm9PjUuRLJ]
| 1h 28m 28s | Video has closed captioning.
on the up n up with my crohns after almost 1 year of use of consistently using the Shona Banda heat extraction method. Ive tried other oils but had no success really until I started Shonas method. Now I have finally found a quality source of RSO and have been taking that in conjunction with the SBO. This is my magic combo I use to keep my crohns in a more tolerable state. #mccartney cbd gummies #smilz cbd gummies founder #do jolly cbd gummies work #cbd inflammatory gummies
Aired: December 24, 2024
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