Building Muscle After 40 While Burning Fat (Dumbbell Workout) [AYw6WRMp4tW]
Building Muscle After 40 While Burning Fat (Dumbbell Workout) [AYw6WRMp4tW]
| 1h 28m 28s | Video has closed captioning.
Download FREE 1 Week Workout Program for Men Over 40 - Funk takes you through a dumbbell workout designed for men over the age of 40 to increase testosterone and growth hormones while burning muscle while you shred fat. A study was undertaken at The University Oklahoma and published in the Journal of Strength And Conditioning Research comparing the muscle gains of 24 college-aged guys (18-22) to 25 so-called middle-aged men (35-50). Both these groups followed the same weightlifting routine for eight weeks. It turns out that not only did the guys over 35 build just as much muscle, they actually had slightly greater gains. 8 Principles To Building The Ultimate Test Boosting Workout For Men Over 40 From this, I’ve created some guiding principles to developing the ultimate testosterone boosting workout. These include: 1. Make it a total body workout. You want to do three total body workouts per week, hitting the entire body every session. 2. Add resistance. This is key. If you don’t add some type of external weight, the chances of you boosting testosterone will be low. As great as I think bodyweight exercises can be at times, they are not ideal in this situation. 3. Move from exercise to exercise quickly. This will help you boost your metabolism so that you can burn more energy for up to 24 hours after the workout session is completed. 4. Use multi-joint and compound exercises. These are the moves that will work the greatest number of muscles at once and help you get in and out of the gym quickly. They’re also the best exercises for helping you gain larger amounts of strength as well. 5. Use Circuit Training Wisely. Use circuits, moving from one exercise to the next so that your workouts never last longer than 20-30 minutes in length. You should never be resting more than one minute between sets during a given workout. 6. Keep equipment to a minimum. There’s no need for fancy machines. All you need is a simple set of dumbbells to get the job done correctly. 7. Allow for 48 hours of rest between each workout. Remember that your body doesn’t recover as well as it used to so leave that extra time for recovery. This will ensure that you are never verging on overtraining – and a decrease in testosterone. On these rest days, feel free to add yoga or another low impact activity. 8. Vary your exercises. Keep things interesting by changing your exercises around from week to week. Not only will this prevent workout related boredom, but it’ll also ensure that your body keeps responding to the work that you are doing. References: A study was undertaken at The University Oklahoma and published in the Journal of Strength And Conditioning Research comparing the muscle gains of 24 college-aged guys (18-22) to 25 so-called middle-aged men (35-50). Both these groups followed the same weightlifting routine for eight weeks. It turns out that not only did the guys over 35 build just as much muscle, they actually had slightly greater gains. Total Body Metabolic Dumbbell Workout. Perform each exercise for 30 seconds of work followed by 15 sec rest one after the other for 3 straight rounds. Rest for 2 minutes and repeat for the remaining 2 rounds. Round 1 – Upper Body x 4 Lying Chest Press to Crush Press Bent Over Rows Standing Shoulder Press DB Reg, hammer, Reverse Curls Round 2 – Lower Body x 4 Dumbbell Racked Squats DB High Swings Dumbbell Lunges Stiff Legged Deadlifts Round 3 – Full Body x 3 Squat-Clean-Press Renegade Rows Reverse Lunge Biceps Curls Close Grip Push Ups Watch more of my videos! Subscribe: Click here to grab my FREE Bodyweight Workout DVD - FREE Workout DVD Get it HERE - Facebook: Instagram: PODCAST - Twitter: Facebook Fitness: Soundcloud: Funk Roberts University: FunkMMA: WARNING: THE INFORMATION OFFERED IN THIS VIDEO IS OFFERED AS OPINION ONLY. ALWAYS CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN BEFORE TRYING ANY NEW DIET OR EXERCISE PROGRAM. THIS WORKOUT ROUTINE MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR YOU. ALWAYS WARM UP PRIOR AND STRETCH AFTER YOUR WORKOUT SESSIONS #keto gummies chew or swallow #what is in keto flo gummies
Aired: December 27, 2024
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