How To Lose Body Fat (WITHOUT LOSING YOUR CURVES!!) [91bUyevb5MW]
How To Lose Body Fat (WITHOUT LOSING YOUR CURVES!!) [91bUyevb5MW]
| 1h 28m 28s | Video has closed captioning.
Learn how to maintain muscle while losing fat with our MAX/Shred program This video will teach you how to lose weight and keep your curves. You may have noticed that it can be difficult to burn fat and keep your curves. Typically once you figure out how to lose body fat, your curves go right along with it! This workout will show you how to lose belly fat and keep your curves by replacing the fat with muscle. This is a workout to build curves and it will also help you with how to get a smaller waist by increasing the muscle mass in the glutes and upper body. In this workout for how to get a small waist and keep your curves there are 5 exercises to build curves. You’ll do each of the exercises in this lose belly fat and keep your curves routine for 10-12 reps before moving on to the next. Because these are combination moves, we recommend trying each of the exercises in this how to lose body fat routine a couple times before performing the complete workout to build curves. If you’re a beginner try to do 1-2 rounds of this keep your curves routine. If you are more advanced you can do 3-4 rounds of this lose weight and keep your curves workout. If you are looking for a complete program to burn fat and build muscle check out our MAX/Shred program Here are the exercises to build curves: 1) Bulgarian Split Squat to Front Raise w/Jump 2) Straight Bar Low Box Pushup to Overhead Press 3) Dumbbell Burpee Snatch 4) Front Lunge to Raise and Lower 5) Medicine Ball Prisoner Get Ups w/Throw For more videos on burning fat and building muscle subscribe to our YouTube channel #samantha armytage keto gummies #keto max science gummies uk #keto bhb gummies ingredients #bioscience keto gummy
Aired: December 27, 2024
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