Dr. Trish Leigh talks about penile length. What is normal? Do supplements work? Can Viagra help? Stay till the end to find out what your partner

Want a Longer Penis? w/ Dr. Trish Leigh [3IydffUAxPg]

Want a Longer Penis? w/ Dr. Trish Leigh [3IydffUAxPg]

| 1h 28m 28s | Video has closed captioning.

Dr. Trish Leigh talks about penile length. What is normal? Do supplements work? Can Viagra help? Stay till the end to find out what your partner wants and get an interesting fact about your penis. ---⏱️Timestamps⏱️--- 1:00 What is normal? 2:00 Porn penises 3:20 Erectile Dysfunction 6:40 2014 Study of Penile Length 7:21 Shoe Size and Penile length 7:45 Do Penis Enlargement Supplements Work? 8:23 What about Viagra? 4:30 What does your partner want? About this Porn Rewire Channel: Hi. I am Dr. Trish Leigh, a Cognitive Neuroscientist. I am on a mission to help people heal their brains from porn use. My videos are designed to help you learn that: Porn Damages Your Brain, Mental and Physical Health, and Destroys Your Relationships. 1. Brain Shrinkage and Underactivity: It shrinks the size of your brain and decreases brain activity, among other damaging effects. It is true! I wish it wasn’t, but it is true. 2. Porn is bad for your mental health. It creates more anxiety, depression, moodiness, irritability, anger, and more. 3. Porn is proven to ruin your relationships. 2x as likely to break up and get divorced. I would love for you to watch these videos too: - Understand how porn is negatively impacting your brain, health, and life. - Stop watching porn, which can be difficult due to its addictive nature. - Heal your brain from porn use. Every video has a strategy for you to use in your Porn Brain Rewire journey. So… watch the videos until the END and start using the techniques to help you succeed. You can do it with the right tools and support. That is why I am here. Go for it! Want More Help? About this Porn Rewire Channel: Hi. I am Dr. Trish Leigh, a Cognitive Neuroscientist. I am on a mission to help people heal their brains from porn use. My videos are designed to help you learn that: 🎯 Porn Damages Your Brain 🎯 Porn Impairs Your Mental and Physical Health 🎯 Porn Destroys Your Relationships Subscribe to this channel for brain tips to: 🔹Quit Porn for Good 🔹Heal Your Brain from Porn 🔹Get Motivated in Your Life 🔹Repair Your Mental & Physical Health 🔹Heal Erectile Dysfunction If you need more help, I can work directly with you. Check out the programs 👉 Donate to Porn 🧠 Prevention, the nonprofit to help teens avoid porn addiction 👉 Brain Training to Quit Porn. Get the headband below with the 20% discount included. (Discount shows up at checkout... look for it there!) Let's Connect! Check out my Linktree 👉 #erectiledysfunction #delayedejaculation #prematureejection #delayedgratification #semenretention #edging #testosterone #viagra #arousalissues #pornaddiction #pornaddictionrecovery #pornography #pornstar #nofap #nofapbenefits #nofap2023 #nopmo #pmoaddiction #pmo #monkmode #sexaddiction #sexeducation #sextips #healthysexuality #drtrishleigh #mensmentalhealth #mentalhealth #murphycredle #addictionrecovery #explicitcontent #masturbationaddiction #green leaf gummies #apple cider gummies reviews #pecare penis enlargement

Aired: December 23, 2024

Rating: TV-14

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