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Porn is causing erectile dysfunction in young boys [2c_GwZWJN0r]

Porn is causing erectile dysfunction in young boys [2c_GwZWJN0r]

| 1h 28m 28s | Video has closed captioning.

Discord: Buy NUCLEAR MODE: Buy ATTACK MODE now: What is ATTACK MODE? Attack Mode is a complete system that will make you destroy any and every goals you have from the get go. This holistic system focusses on multiplying your success, intelligence, and good looks from the very start. It is filled with practical productivity tools and guides that DO NOT EXIST in the market anywhere else. This is a product you do not want to be waiting on. Invest NOW and reap benefits of it from NOW til the day you die. Buy ATTACK MODE now: 📙 Buy 'The Rudest Book Ever: BLACKED - On Amazon 👉 For more mind-blowing perspectives, Follow me on Instagram @gangstaphilosopher : Please Do Consider Subscribing: shorturl.at/lBVX0 Shwetabh Gangwar's Full set up 👇 📸 The Camera 👉 🔴 Livestreaming Webcam 👉 💻 Editing Laptop 👉 🎤 Microphone 👉 Light Set-up 👇 Philip hue 👉 Smart light 👉 Light Strip 👉 Shwetabh Gangwar is a national bestselling author of the book The Rudest Book Ever, an educator, and a problem solver. On this channel, he takes problems of people and gives perspectives on them, shares alternative perspectives on hot topics, as well as makes explainer videos on psychological biases, fallacies, and theories to educate people of critical thinking and howtothink. In this video shwetabh has spoken about symptoms, causes and myths related to erectile dysfunction. He has spoken about the topic in great detail explaining how visual stimuli, mental stimuli, porn addiction, excessive masturbation and unnatural sexual habits can lead to erectile dysfunction, stress, anxiety, depression. The effects of excessive masturbation can be seen directly on your skin health, hormonal imbalance, mindfulness, healthy sexual habits, time managment, future planning, future success, etc. You can avoid this by making better use of time, identifying patterns, cause and symptoms that lead to masturbation, unnatural sexual appetite, etc. He has explained psychology behind bad habits, how they form and how we can stop masturbation, stop porn addiction, stop fapping. Transformatioo of body and mind can lead a person to healthy lifestyle, healthy choices, better lifestyle, etc, #gaines male enhancement #rxz male enhancement pills #highest rated male enhancement

Aired: December 23, 2024

Rating: TV-14

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