Science says eating just one meal per day can improve your health. Learn more at ----- Back in 2007, Miriam leveraged the ketogenic diet to help shrink

Keto Diet, Fasting & Protein Restriction for Cancer w/ Miriam Kalamian [2VKHXgznU1u]

Keto Diet, Fasting & Protein Restriction for Cancer w/ Miriam Kalamian [2VKHXgznU1u]

| 1h 28m 28s | Video has closed captioning.

Science says eating just one meal per day can improve your health. Learn more at ----- Back in 2007, Miriam leveraged the ketogenic diet to help shrink her seven-year-old son’s brain tumor. Part 2 of this interview: Instead of moving him to palliative care, as the doctors had suggested, Miriam and her husband ramped up the family's nutrition to help their son live seven more good years—much longer than doctors thought was possible. She shares top insights learned from the journey. This episode is brought to you by: ➢ Perfect Keto, the makers of high-quality exogenous ketones and MCT oil products. *Save over 20% OFF: **We love their new Salted Carmel product ➢Keto For Cancer Book: ➢ Connect w/ Miriam Kalamian: ➢Tripping over the Truth Book: -----------------------------------------Lets Connect------------------------------------------- ➢ iTunes Podcast: ➢ Instagram ➢ Facebook -------------------------------------- VIDEO GEAR------------------------------------------------- Vlog Cam Canon 6D Mark II Interview Cam C100 ii: Best Lens Ever: Vlog lens: Canon EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS: Dope Lens - Canon 85mm f/1.4L IS: Good Audio: Rode VMPRPLUS Videomic Pro: -------------------------------------- Key Timestamps------------------------------------------ 11:46 Miriam accidentally discovered the therapeutic ketogenic diet as her 7 year old son, with a brain tumor, was about to enter palliative care. 12:49 After 3 months of a ketogenic diet and a weak chemo drug, the tumor shrank by 10 to 15%. 14:40 They were doing the diet incorrectly, using keto and caloric restriction, yet it worked.    16:42 Caloric restriction during ketosis impacts angiogenesis.  18:04 Starving cancer of glucose is the simple view. There are metabolic pathways that are dysregulated in cancer, like the mTOR pathway.  19:26 The ketogenic diet is a systems approach.  20:24 Limiting protein is essential to a successful ketogenic diet for cancer. If protein is not limited, mTOR is stimulated throughout the system. With cancer treatment, keep mTOR upregulation specific to muscle tissue.  24:28 There is room for eating seasonal fruit, berries and vegetables on the ketogenic diet.  25:30 Miriam has seen the worst cancer outcomes in people who eat 10 to 12 servings of fruits and vegetables a day.    28:51 There is more thermogenesis when you burn fat. 30:54 1.0 grams per kilogram of body weight is sufficient protein.  32:48 Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding need to work with a specialist if they are doing a ketogenic diet for any reason.  36:30 High fat diet studies do not use ketogenic diets.    43:43 There is a short comment period for the government dietary guidelines that ends that the end of March. Comment! 44:54 The brain needs the energy equivalent of 130 grams of sugar, not 130 grams of carbohydrates. Sixty to 70 percent of this need can be met with ketones. Our bodies make the needed glucose. 46:50 A modified Atkins or a more liberalized ketogenic diet, is about 12 milligrams per deciliter higher in glucose on the average, which may mean the difference between a tumor growing or not growing. 47:21 Cancer robs glutamine from its neighbors. 49:45 Press Pulse Therapy is being researched for management of glutamine. 52:42 Keto is not the cure for cancer. It is an adjunct therapy. 53:06 In brain cancer, the results of ketogenic diet therapy is dramatic and people live many years past the initial prognosis. 54:36 You change the terrain to be inhospitable to cancer growth. It is not just about doing the ketogenic diet, but changing the lifestyle. 56:53 The ketogenic diet brought Miriam and her husband 6 ½ years of good quality of life time with their son before he died. 58:28 There may be cancers that do not respond to the ketogenic diet. 01:00:38 Drug therapies cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.    01:03:33 Fasting helps with housekeeping, clearing out dead cells.  01:05:01 In a case study in Egypt of glioblastoma multiforme and Keto 01:07:23 Temozolomide (Temodar) may give methylating patients 2 ½ months.   01:15:00 A Diet Skeptics and Saboteur presentation is on Miriam’s website. 01:15:58 A ketogenic diet has potential for improving quality of ageing.  01:22:18 Strong abs or a daily walk makes for less constipation.    01:25:22 How you sit on the toilet makes a difference in defecation. #benzedrine diet pills #sure slim keto gummies #censor diet pills

Aired: December 23, 2024

Rating: TV-14

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