PART 14 Unleashing the Power of CBD A Game Changer for Sleep and Anxiety [1ugAhS-DsJc]
PART 14 Unleashing the Power of CBD A Game Changer for Sleep and Anxiety [1ugAhS-DsJc]
| 1h 28m 28s | Video has closed captioning.
I've noticed that CBD has really been marketed towards women in particular um as well as in like popular mainstream culture It's you know people over there I think that's a product that heavily has a female demo And I think that's why a lot of female a lot of my patients are female gravitate towards plant-based medicine That's actually very very true A lot of my girlfriends have actually been calling me about CBD because they'll go to the doctor and they'll say like I haven't sleeping you know correctly I haven't had that much good sleep And for a few of my friends they're just a new mom So naturally they're not going to get that much good sleep or they're just anxious because they're worrying about so many things and immediately it's actually an antidepressant that they're being prescribed So they'll call me like can I look to something else you know and then we go through a u-bress feeding because you're not and you know then we kind of look at the helicopter view of #CBDforWomen #EmpWomenwithCBD #CBDforSleepIssues #CBDforAnxietyRelief #PlantBasedMedicineforFemales #CBDforNewMoms #NaturalAntidepressantOptions #CBDandMotherhood #CBDandSelfCare SupportingWomensWellness #wellez #cana cbd gummies #cbd gummies headaches #sleepy cbd gummies #cbd gummies organic
Aired: December 24, 2024
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