UPA wants all students to succeed and live up to their maximum potential. However, at a school with such academic rigor, this is not always an easy task. UPA provides many opportunities for students to get the additional help that they need. Teachers are always willing to work with students in formal or informal tutoring opportunities.
Academic Support Services
Academic Counselors
The guidance counseling team supports UPA students in their personal quests to attend and succeed in the nation’s best colleges and universities with education, guidance, and support before, during, and after the college application process.
Click here for a slide show with more information.
Specifically, UPA counselors:
- Provide students with college and career exploration experiences
- Support and guide students in the completion of grade specific benchmarks to build their resume and applications for university.
- Build rapport with with students and cheer them on as they strive for their personal best
- Advise and encourage individual students as they acquire important skills such as (study strategies, time management, organization, accountability, resourcefulness) essential to become proactive responsible learners
- Partner with parents/guardians and teachers to best support student well being and academic success
- Coordinate and convene appropriate parent-teacher-student communications and meetings
- Review and monitor academic progress of students to ensure they are on track for promotion and graduation
- Advocate for students in school-wide and relevant administrative decisions and events
- Manage student schedules
- Advocate for students in school-wide and relevant administrative decisions and events
Academic Counselors By Grade Level
Grade 7- Rachel Juliano
E-mail: rjuliano@upatoday.com
Grade 8, Grades 11 & 12 (P-Z) – Kathryn Gong-Guy
E-mail: kgongguy@upatoday.com
Grade 9, Grades 11 & 12 (A-Ha) – Dot Westerhoff
E-mail: dwesterhoff@upatoday.com
Grade 10, Grades 11 & 12 (He-O) – Jill Buensuceso
E-mail: jbuensuceso@upatoday.com